Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Torture Never Stops Revisited


Shit, fuck, fursatan, fuck, fuck, fuck, heck, I feel like shouting so loud, I'm so fucking pissed.

No way I did that again, for the 30th time, and I dumbly don't even learn, well my ex gf was right when she dumped me, I'm too much of a nice guy. Feck.

How in hell I'm driving two hours in the shivering cold, rain, and immense fog, just to get home fecking pissed, but I DID knew that was a mistake, and I DID knew I was gonna be coming back sad and pissed, and I DID knew notting had changed, and I DID knew I had walked that road dozens of times with same fecking result every single time, and I think that makes me DUMB, so DUMB I can't even explain, and I hate dumb people. I hate myself.

The meek shall inherit nothing, enuf said. Too bad you don't read this, I feel like hitting you in the head with a garden hose. Aaarrggghh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must stay away from her. You know this to be true.


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