Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sin City

Not commenting on Frank Miller's graphic novels, as I never read them, but the cinematic version of the BD is an amassing bump of killin, decapitation and cannibalism, that after a few minutes of enjoying the artsy looks of the blach&white with flashes of color, it leaves with an orgy of blood and violence, which by itself might be appealing for gore fans but I find that it lacks the depth to keep me focused on following the story, if there is hardly one.

3 out of 10 stars.


Blogger marta said...

esse ainda não vi. talvez quando sair em dvd. mas só talvez, não faz muito o meu género. Quanto à dança, mais uma vez ficará adiada. Amanha a Leonor faz anos e temos festinha.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh come on! i think the best movies can be the movies made by people that just want to make a movie cause they can! sin city is superb.. it takes a lot of guts to act in a movie like this (pun intended).


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