Infernal Affairs (Wu jian dao)
One of the best movies I have seen in years, and probably the best in his genre. Magnificent acting, overwhelming story, you name it... just be sure you don't have the english dubbed version (the only one here on video rental stores).
Unfortunatelly, on the other side of the globe, instead of just releasing the movie to theaters, Martin Scorcese, with the prodution of Brad Pitt and Martin Sheen, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Di Caprio, Jack Nicholson on the cast are working on a Hollywood remake, already called "The Departed", it makes my heart hurt. It's like Hong Kong making a chinese remake of "Casablanca" with Chow Yun Fat as Rick.
"play it again Tong Pin" or "this is le begiling of a beautifull fliendship"
Oh, I'm just tired, me go to sleep now. wǎn ān
deitas-te cedo tu.... Ainda não vi, mas a sugestão ;)
I must see that one. And yes so annyoing that hollywood keeps remaking good unamrican movies
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